Can I walk after you treat varicose veins on my legs?

The answer is YES, and I might add that it’s recommended and encouraged for all of my patients.  Whether it is a form or sclerotherapy or a laser treatment you are getting an out-patient procedure.  It’s done in the San Diego Vein Institute offices and most of the time there isn’t the need for even a local anesthetic.  After the 30-60 minute treatment you’re up and moving.  Movement is actually better for the post-treatment recovery process.  So here are a few notes on what (and what not) to do!

1. Flat Surfaces:  For your post-treatment walking make sure to your a flat surface.  We don’t want to have you trying to climb Mount Kilimanjaro 10 minutes after the treatment.  I don’t think I can medically prescribe “retail therapy” but a walk around a mall or shops is a good way to start your recovery.  Enjoy yourself, encourage circulation, aid the recovery process.

2. Avoid a Long Drive:  A nice walk post-treatment helps the healing process, a long drive (or flight) can actually hamper it as it restricts blood flow.  You’ve probably heard about a couple of high profile deep-vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolisms cases from long flights in the media.  The same logic, on a much smaller scale, applies here.  You want to encourage circulation in the immediate post-treatment time frame rather than hamper it.

3. Seek Shade:  This is a topic that you’ll want to speak the physician about.  For some treatment techniques it’s advisable to stay out of prolonged direct sunlight for a period of time.  You’ll be okay doing your normal activities but you may want to avoid planning to spend the day at the beach after a morning appointment.  For some laser treatments prolonged sunlight without sunscreen could increase the risk of hyper-pigmentation.

4. Gym:  Generally you want to avoid strenuous aerobic activity for 48 hours after treatment.  Hitting the 5:00 p.m. spin class the same day as your treatment is not recommended.  It’s important to note this as a lot of patients think – correctly – that exercise helps circulation.  You have to realize that even though you’re leaving the treatment center without pain that your body will still need to heel.  Walks of flat surfaces encourage that process but training for a triathlon doesn’t.

Review all of these areas with your physician both during the consultation as well as post-treatment.  Depending on your specific case there could be different timelines to follow.  We want you getting back to your normal life as quickly as possible while ensuring your have a great post-treatment and healing experience.